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Image by Mikael Kristenson


Early career support

The Scottish Contaminated Land Forum is a not-for-profit information exchange and networking forum. The overall aim of the Forum is to develop and expand best practice in the assessment and development of brownfield land in Scotland.  One of our objectives to help achieve this aim is to promote and develop the capabilities of contaminated land professionals based in Scotland.


International Conferences 

The forum would like to offer assistance to post-graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to attend professional meetings and conferences being held outside Scotland.  The assistance would include presentation of papers or attendance at conferences or meetings, to develop knowledge, skills and networks relevant to the research topic or development of the individual’s professional capabilities. 

To be eligible, you should be undertaking further study or research at an institution in Scotland, on a theme relevant to brownfield land development.  The assistance will be in the form of a financial contribution towards travel and subsistence costs, up to a limit of 75% of those costs, payable upon supply of receipted documentation confirming the expenditure.


Applicants must be members of SCLF; membership is free and achieved through signing up here.


Successful applicants will be required to give a short presentation at a SCLF  meeting or webinar, summarising key points arising from the meeting for which funding was provided, so that SCLF members can derive benefit in return for provision of the funding.


Support to attend the SCLF Annual Conference 

Early years professionals who are suffering hardship or members who are unemployed can apply for a bursary to cover ticket and travel costs to attend the SCLF Annual Conference. 


Applicants must be members of SCLF; membership is free and achieved through signing up here.


Successful applicants will be required to write a short news article/blog post/ LinkedIn article sharing their experience of attending the conference. 


Assessment of Applications

The SCLF committee will consider any applications on merit and it does not guarantee to fund any particular application.  SCLF does not set a cap on individual or annual funding for this bursary.

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