Promoting sustainable land use in Scotland
Do you want to encourage and promote the effective and sustainable reuse of brownfield land, particularly land affected by contamination?
Do you believe that our sector can positively contribute to future economic growth and improved quality of life for people and communities in Scotland whilst protecting and enhancing the environment?
Yes? Then become a member of SCLF!!
A membership organisation
SCLF is a membership organisation that is currently free to join. Membership is open to any person with an interest in land contamination who is working in Scotland. Our members are drawn from the public and private sector including regulators, consultants, land owners, contractors, and service providers as well as academia.
Why join?
By joining SCLF you will be added to our mailing list which means you will get to know about future events first! You will be eligible for nomination and election to the SCLF Executive Committee at our AGM where you will also have voting rights. You will also be able to access any discounts that we have negotiated with other organisations for training or conferences.
Ready to join?
Great! Becoming a member is easy - just click the button below!!