VHE Construction was founded in 1979, for many years operating as a civil engineering specialist. The company have subsequently expanded and diversified into contaminated land, remediation techniques and civil engineering services across the UK.
VHE have a strong working history in Scotland and have an established office in Cumbernauld working for clients such as Clyde Gateway, Glasgow City Council, Scottish National Heritage, Scottish Borders Council, Renfrewshire Council, North Lanarkshire Council and Aberdeen City Council. A selection of the major schemes that we have completed include:
Commonwealth Games Athletes Village: Remediation and earthworks including the soil washing of over 100,000 cubic meters of contaminated material to provide a development platform to allow the building of the Athletes Village.
Shawfield: Completion of several phases of works requiring the in-situ remediation of Chromite Ore Processing Residue (COPR) on a former chemical works including extensive groundwater and environmental monitoring.
Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area: Principal contractor for the Design and Build delivery of a 50 hectare site with numerous historical uses including chemical works, rail facilities, brickworks and engineering works. The scheme had occupied housing within its operational boundary as well as a live road running through the site. Over 1,200,000 cubic meters of material was moved during the works which included in-situ encapsulation of galligu, along with stabilisation and biophysical treatment of contaminated soils and material recovery from a former tip on site. The works were completed within a zero waste ideal.
Amongst the many other projects VHE Construction have remediated over 40 former gasworks sites in Scotland. Of note we have:
A track record of successful delivery of remediation and Infrastructure projects to a value of £16m.
An Industry leading environmental management and safety performance over the last ten years, including receipt of the RoSPA Order of Distinction award in 2020 following 18 Consecutive Gold Awards.
A reputation for providing innovative, robust and tested engineering solutions to the contaminated land market.
A strong, secure and supportive parent company in Renew Holdings along with group sister companies such as Seymour Civil Engineering’s, Carnell Group, Shepley Engineers who can provide in-group civil and infrastructure services within our bids.
A flexible offering of contracting services including design and build.
In-house capabilities and offer proven technical solutions such as bioremediation, soil washing, soil stabilisation and solidification. We offer our clients a full range of services, from site appraisals to complete Design and Build packages, with all our work guaranteed and supported by bonds and warranties.
In-house geotechnical and environmental technology group, giving us the capacity to provide expert assessment and to develop the most effective strategies to solve clients' problems. VHE Technology regularly undertake treatment technology trials on remediation solutions to ascertain the most sustainable solutions on a project. Their expertise is invaluable in interpreting site investigation information, and designing and implementing remediation technologies.