Webinar 39 - New Scottish Groundwater Standards
Thu, 27 Feb
Awareness raising webinar on the updated Groundwater Quality Standards for Scotland and associated SEPA guidance including the revised WAT-PS-10

Time & Location
27 Feb 2025, 13:00 – 14:30
About the Event
SEPA recently published the long awaited revised guidance WAT-PS-10-02 on 'Assigning Groundwater Assessment Criteria for Pollutant Inputs'. They have also published an associated 'List of Groundwater Standards' and updated their guidance on 'Land Contamination and Impacts on the Water Environment'. The revised SEPA guidance reflects the new Status and Standards Directions and comes into force on 1st February 2025.
This extended webinar will include 3 presentations covering the following:
Protecting Scotland's Groundwater from Pollution | Isla Smail, SEPA
Risk Assessment Implications of the New Guidance - An industry perspective | Helen McMillan, RSK Geosciences
Considerations for Site Characterisation | Alison McKay, Leapmoor LLP