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It's that time of year again...calling all nominations for the SCLF Executive Committee (2023-2025)

There are 4 vacancies to be filled for the Executive Committee at the AGM on 15 December 2022 and so we are inviting nominations from the membership to fill the vacancies. Retiring committee members are eligible for re-election.

What’s involved?

SCLF is a not-for-profit organisation with the overall aim to encourage and promote the effective and sustainable reuse of brownfield land in Scotland, particularly land affected by contamination. We seek to positively contribute to future economic growth and improved quality of life for people and communities whilst protecting and enhancing the environment. The forum is run by a team of volunteers who make up the Executive Committee. Executive committee meetings are usually held three times per year, mostly online at the moment. Outwith the committee meetings, members also help organise the forum meetings and webinars. The conference is usually organised by a small sub-committee drawn from volunteers of the executive committee. Further details of the duties of Executive Committee members can be found on the nomination form. The time commitment is around 3 hours per month.

Want to join the SCLF Executive Committee?

Any member can apply, including those who are retiring this year. If you receive emails direct from SCLF then you are on our membership mailing list so you are a member and eligible!!

Just fill out our google nomination form using the button below. You will be asked to provide details of a proposer and seconder (who should also be SCLF members), to provide a short biography and to describe why you want to join the executive committee and what your vison is for the forum. You can nominate yourself.

Nomination forms should be completed by 5pm on Wednesday 7th December 2022. In the event that more than 4 nominations are received, an online vote will be held and the information that you provide on your nomination form will be used for that purpose. We would especially welcome nominations from early career members as well as those who are interested in helping to deliver our webinar program and who could assist with social media (Twitter and LinkedIn).

If you have any questions or would like more information on the roles and process, please feel free to send an email to or to contact one of the current committee members.

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