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SCLF Careers Event | Autumn/Winter 2023

Expression of Interest

Young people talking with companies at a careers event, taking notes and smiling with a banner in the background that says 'a world of opportunity'

We have listened to our members who say they struggle to recruit new talent to their land contamination teams. Therefore, the Scottish Contaminated Land Forum is looking to host a careers event in Glasgow in the autumn/winter of this year, with the aim of attracting students and early career professionals into the land contamination industry. We want to bring young people face to face with potential employers, academic institutions and professional bodies who all operate in the sector. The event will be FREE for exhibitors and all who attend and will take place over an afternoon, with the date to be confirmed in the summer. As SCLF will be funding this event, we are looking for you to express interest in exhibiting to test if this initiative is viable.

What type of exhibitors are we looking for?

Are you...

  • a company who would like to showcase positions or placements that you have on offer directly to graduates and early career professionals?

  • a further or higher education establishment who offers courses or research opportunities relevant to the sector?

  • a professional institution with membership that works in the brownfield sector?

If your answer is Yes to any of these questions...then we want to hear from you!!

Other ways to get involved

We are also keen to connect with Supporters who will share the opportunity with the young people they are connected with.

What do you need to do?

To express your interest in exhibiting or otherwise supporting the event, then just click the button to complete a short form by Friday 30th June 2023.

The opportunity to exhibit is open to all and, although there is no firm commitment at this stage as we are merely establishing whether we have sufficient interest to take our planning to the next stage, we are looking for Partners to come on board as early adopters just now!!

[Photo Credit: 2016 UM Green Career Fair by University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability [CC BY 2.0]. Available at]

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